Co-Living – The New Standard in Social Housing

Co-Living – The New Standard in Social Housing

An estimated 400,000 single women are in dire need of a housing solution in Australia. The rising flocks of young professional immigrants and foreign students seeking suitable accommodation are inflating the already worrisome figures. The rising rental property rates...
Rinse & Repeat

Rinse & Repeat

Client Case Study RINSE & REPEAT Purpose Our clients really wanted Suzanne to continue to work part-time. Suzanne was adamant she wasn’t going back to full-time work due to family commitments with their three school aged children. They wanted to find a better way to...
Expat Delight

Expat Delight

Client Case Study EXPAT DELIGHT Purpose Jeannie was starting out in the Australian property market and hadn’t yet accumulated enough equity in her portfolio to borrow against. Her need was to accumulate real estate over the long term and to capture as much capital...
The pros and cons of positive and negative gearing

The pros and cons of positive and negative gearing

Should I choose positive cash flow or negative gearing? It’s a question you must ask yourself in order to choose the best property investment strategy. But understanding which one is better for you can be difficult, particularly as there are often complex tax...
5 ways to afford your dream investment property

5 ways to afford your dream investment property

Most people scrimp and save to purchase a home – but you may need to make real sacrifices if you have your sights set on a dream investment property.Mortgage Choice's latest Investor Survey revealed that 71 per cent of Australians said they make lifestyle...